Tuesday, March 5, 2024

men at work...

 As you no doubt have gathered from previous blogs, my husband and I are in the process of (one way or another) getting all of my worldly possessions out of my apartment and into our house, or otherwise disposed of.  Today we took the ultimate step in disposal.  We hired "Two Men in a JUNK Truck" to dispose of a couple of items.  First. I must admit to a bit of stereotyping.  I expected two big burly type men.  Not so.  The two men who came to dispose of our stuff were young, slim and not particularly bulky at all.  But when they picked up my big old double recliner and casually carried it out of the apartment I was impressed.  The rest of removal day involved getting an elderly pool table out of our house basement.  Piece by piece they got it all out in under two hours.  All very impressive.  What makes it even more exciting is the space in the basement that will soon become my weaving studio.  Hooray!

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