Saturday, March 23, 2024

My way.

 The Frank Sinatra version of "I Did It My Way" is running through my head right now, and there's a good reason for that.  The Philharmonic Pops Concert this evening was "Sinatra and Beyond with Tony Desare."  I had never heard of Mr. Desare before tonight, but I will certainly make it a point to hear him any time he's back in town.  He travels with his own small ensemble - guitar, bass, drums and conductor and tonight they were accompanied also by the full orchestra.  His voice carried strong and true over all the background music and he sang Sinatra's songs they way Sinatra sang them, true to the originals.   But, honestly, I really enjoyed his own compositions more than anything.  In addition to singing, he's an excellent pianist.  Such fun.  But there was more.  I've mentioned in previous blogs that I like to see my music as well as hear it and this evening's production was a visual feast.  All of the brass instruments and some others were on risers, arranged like an orchestra of the 40s or 50s.  I loved having a clear view of the trombones who played a lot.  All in all, a wonderful evening at the Pops.

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