Friday, March 1, 2024

peanut, peanut butter...

 According to my west coast brother, who knows such things, today is "National Peanut Butter Lovers Day" and also "Read Across America Day."  As it happens, I am a pro in both of these areas.  I eat peanut butter (crunchy of course) on crackers or celery almost every day for lunch.  True but not particularly exciting.  As far as reading across America, I have certainly done my share of that.  Back in the olden days, before every child had their own private entertainment devise, I read to my children (and my husband who preferred to drive and listen) as we took long drives across the country.  We were on the road in our VW bus camper conversion for two to three weeks each summer.  Driving across states like Kansas and Nebraska gave me plenty of time to read.  Nothing against those states but they are rather flat.  On one memorable trip I read the first several volumes of the original Tarzan series.  If you're familiar with those books you know that each one ends with a cliff hanger so we had to go on to the next one.  I think I had the first ten volumes.  The problem arose when we ran out of books with a day and a half of driving to get home.  Happily, rather amazingly really, we came upon a book store in a small town, whose owner was an Edgar Rice Burrows fan, and who had all the rest of the Tarzan books.  We never finished the entire series but we certainly read several of them, so I think I qualify as a reader across America.  

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