Monday, March 11, 2024

Nap on...

My west coast brother, after some careful research, has discovered that today is, among other things, "Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day." And, if you eat enough of those for brunch, will lead right into "National Workplace Napping Day."  People who know me know that I am a big fan of afternoon naps, a habit I've had since childhood, but few know that I have also indulged in workplace napping.  Not every job lends itself to workplace napping, but sometimes it works, one way or another.  During my last year of full time teaching, when I was pregnant with my first child I had the "afternoon sleepies" (it's a real thing, ask any pregnant woman) so I cleverly arranged for my first class after lunch to have their required independent reading time during that period, bliss!  On another job, a desk job this time, I really did nap.  I almost always lunched at my desk, and after lunch, with the door closed, put my head down on my desk for twenty minutes.  It does help.  Now, of course, I just nap when I feel like it.  Retirement is great.   

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