Sunday, March 24, 2024

thank you...

 I spent most of today writing thank you notes for gifts we received for our wedding on January 14.  I know, that's more than ten weeks ago, and I do know better.  Thank you notes should be sent promptly after the event.  My mother raised me right, but, alas, life got in the way.  So now you can relax and stop wondering if your note got lost in the mail.  It didn't.  It will come as no surprise to my regular readers that this note writing spree reminded me of the thank you notes I wrote after my first wedding.  It was a noteworthy event (pun intended).  I clearly remember sitting in our car, on the side of an interstate highway, somewhere in Illinois.  Ours had been a driving honeymoon and we were on our way home.  I'm not sure why it happened but we ran out of gas.  So I sat and waited while my spouse hiked back a mile and a half to an off ramp where a gas station sign could be seen clearly in the distance, and came back again eventually with the necessary fuel.  I'm pretty sure he got a ride back but not positive about that.  But, in the meantime, having nothing much else to do, I wrote my thank you notes.  Those notes went out on time.  I'm not sure why I even thought to take the note cards and list with me on my honeymoon, but there they were, ready for action.  It never hurts to be prepared.  

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