Thursday, March 21, 2024

get in line...

 I know that patience is a virtue, and, based on today's experience, My husband and I should have earned a few stars in our crowns.  It started very simply. I had a prescription to pick up at our nearest Walgreens so my spouse drove me there.  This was early evening, about 6:00pm.  When we arrived, the line at the drive through was quite long so I suggested that he park and I would go in and get the pills since it was my ID they might need to see, and it should be faster inside.  When I got in line there were three people ahead of me and a couple already at the counter.  Twenty five minutes later (I am not exaggerating) the same couple was still at the counter.  I admit, by this point I was eavesdropping, but a little too far away to get the whole story.  What I did get was that they were trying to pick up a prescription for someone else, her dad maybe??? and couldn't figure out how to get their insurance to cover it (or anybody's insurance evidently).  In case you're wondering, this was the only indoor counter that was being manned.  Meanwhile, the drive through window was moving people through at a merry clip. I finally gave up, because I really couldn't stand there any longer, went out to the car and admitted to my ever patient spouse that we needed to go through the drive through.  When we got in line, there were four cars ahead of us.  The first one took ten minutes after we pulled up, but then things started moving.  We finally got my prescription, with no problems because of the name change, and headed home.  As I said, we earned some stars in our crowns today.  

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