Monday, March 4, 2024


 There is a well known saying "No good deed goes unpunished." which played out today in another 'moving' adventure.  My dear grandson agreed to take my queen size guest bed and a tall book shelf, the very last items in my apartment waiting to be rehomed.  My son, who is younger and stronger than my spouse or me, came to help with moving the furniture.  We were at the apartment by noon, waiting for my grandson to arrive in a U Haul truck.  Because he works for U Haul, he knew of some special moving equipment to bring along.  The heaviest piece he brought along was a very sturdy roller on wheels made specifically to carry a mattress and box spring, on edge, side by side.  Did I mention it was heavy?  As he was getting off the elevator, my big strapping grandson suddenly collapsed on a bench beside the elevator and looked like he was going to faint.  Turned out, as he was getting that big heavy contraption off the truck, it fell on his right big toe.  It hurt a lot!!!  Eventually he recovered, and after examining the toe (the nail was already purple) was able to get on with the move.  Ironically, the mattress moving equipment didn't work with my queen set which has the newer thicker mattresses.  What did prove to be most helpful were the two clear plastic mattress covers, which hardly weighed anything at all, slid over and completely covered each piece, and allowed the mattress and box springs to be slid along the carpeted hallway, into the service elevator, and ultimately into the truck.  In case you're wondering, my grandson will have the nail removed tomorrow, the best treatment according to his mother, who is a surgical technologists and assists in many foot surgeries.  So perhaps "All's well that ends well." is a better old saying.  

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