Tuesday, May 28, 2024

a new wrinkle...

 Recently a friend told me that she had read that eating a prune a day helps improve bone density.  At my age bone density is not something to be taken lightly so I purchased some prunes.  Actually, my spouse purchased them when he was at the grocery store.  I have been eating one a day, and, while I have no way of knowing if my bone density has improved, I do enjoy the taste, and eating prunes does remind me of a story my mother used to tell me.  When she and my father were first married they lived in Havre de Grace, Maryland because my dad was stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds.  This was during WWII and rations were limited.  She told me that, when they went to their favorite neighborhood restaurant, the dessert choices were always the same "prunes, pudding or Jello." I always thought I would have chosen the pudding, but, since it was made with powdered milk, maybe not.  Evidently prunes was the tastiest choice.  Tasty then, tasty now, and good for you.  Although the key lime cheese cake I had a Casa's last Friday was way better, and, you know, cheese has calcium, also good for my bones.  

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