Friday, May 31, 2024

Not your mother's market...

 My husband and I went grocery shopping at Meijer today.  We most often shop at Kroger so we weren't really familiar with the layout of the grocery section of the super Meijer near us.  I am an old fashioned make a list on paper and wander around the store, following the signs till I have everything I need kind of person.  This system has worked for me for many years.  But not my Wonder Spouse. He has definitely moved into 21st century shopping.  He had a list (on his phone of course) and was able to call up the exact location, aisle and section, for every item on his list.  So efficient, and yet the same thing happened to us that seems to occur whenever I go grocery shopping.  At check out there are always items in my cart that were definitely not on my list.  I suspect that they jump in my cart when my back is turned.  You may have had the same experience.  Today it was cherries, but who can resist sweet dark red cherries when they are in season?  A bag of pretzels also jumped in the cart.  At the end of the expedition came the checkout. Again we are different.  I like to get in line and let a friendly cashier ring up the charges, a bagger bag them, then place them back in my cart, and I am on my way.  Not so my WS.  He prefers self checkout, and he's right, it is faster, but not easier, at least for me.  In today's scenario I was the bagger which is not as easy as it looks.  I tried to keep up with his rapid fire checkout technique but it wasn't easy.  I managed to keep everything on the scale 'til he was finished and did not  smush the bread with the jug of cranberry juice, so all was well.  We loaded everything in the car and made it home without mishap.  But, just between you and me, when I next go to the grocery store alone, I will probably do things my way.  

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