Saturday, May 25, 2024

I'm guilty...

 Today, according to my west coast brother, is "Geek Pride Day." Also "National Italian Beef Day" if you would rather think about food.  I looked up the definition of 'geek.'  It's someone who is knowledgeable about and obsessively interested in a certain subject.  The example given was a computer geek.  Not naming names, but I have known a few of those in my life.  But this evening I think my spouse and I may have joined the ranks of 'geekdom.'  During supper we just casually started talking about travel plans for this year.  We both agreed we would like to travel west to see my WCB and family.  Before we knew it, we were seated at my husband's computer creating a list of everything we would like to see on a trip west and then exploring ways to get there.  We considered train, plane, automobile, bus and ship.  The last two were quickly eliminated.  We want to do a lot of sight seeing on the way there and back which makes it trickier.  As I write this my Wonder Spouse is still working away at his computer.  He may have the whole trip scheduled by now.  One way or another we will be heading west in September (probably).

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