Wednesday, May 29, 2024

eat up

 My west coast brother informed me that today is 'International Coq Au Vin Day.'  He was planning to threaten his chickens that so they keep laying.  It's also 'National Biscuit Day' and 'National Senior Health and Fitness Day.'  Those two kind of cancel each other out.  I did exercise today, but it was my laptop giving me fits.  Thanks to my Wonder Spouse all the computer problems have been solved for now.  But let's focus on biscuits, specifically biscuits and gravy. I'm sure that's what is meant by biscuit day.  I mean a biscuit without gravy is just another form of bread.  My very favorite breakfast in a restaurant is biscuits and gravy with one egg over easy on top.          A Divine Encounter Cafe on Coliseum is always my first choice for biscuits and gravy. Soo good.  I did, however, break with tradition on Tuesday morning.  DE is closed on Tuesdays so we went to Klemm's Candlelight Cafe on East State.  Side note, we were there for breakfast, but they also make excellent cheeseburgers.  On Tuesday, to my husband's surprise, I ordered a waffle and chicken tenders.  Quite good, but next time it will be biscuits and gravy for sure.  Are we hungry yet?

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