Thursday, May 30, 2024

be artistic...

 Today, according to my west coast brother, (what would I do without him?) is "Water a Flower Day" and also "National Creativity Day."  The first was easy to accomplish because my spouse waters our house plants every Sunday and Thursday.  When I moved here my only house plant came along and it is thriving with this improved schedule.  I never neglected it exactly, I mean I've kept it alive for 18 years, but these days it gets regular watering and feeding.  Lucky plant.  Mother nature took care of the outside flowers.  We have roses and lilies.

As far as creativity is concerned, I can be creative.  For example, I'm working on a wall hanging right now.  First I wove the fabric on my loom and now I'm working on stitching the 'picture' on it.  This is the sixth one of these that I've created, but it has taken much too long.  That's because I was interrupted by getting married and having COVID and other stuff, some fun, some not so much.  But now I am trying to get it finished.  We have a parish art show coming up in September and I want to exhibit it there.  I have a lovely space to work in, and all the materials I need, but life still keeps getting in the way.  Things like going to the Amish bakery this morning are way more fun.  In case you're interested we each got a mini-pie, mine blueberry, his cherry, and apple bread, which is what we went for in the first place.  Then of course there was the four pack of cinnamon rolls.  I am looking forward to breakfast, then I will work on my stitchery, after a manicure and a quick trip to JC Penny's.  You do see why this isn't getting done very fast, don't you?

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