Thursday, May 9, 2024

I'm so impressed..

 My son recently took a new job with a company called NearSpace Education or NSE.  All I knew about the company was that they launch high altitude balloons and that he will be designing their summer camp programs and other educational offerings.  This evening my spouse and I attended their "Dream Big Banquet" and learned so much history about the company and what they do.  They offer programs on the basics of programming, launching those high altitude balloons, and sending satellites into orbit.  What really impressed me was that, unlike typical classroom lessons, their students were working with real satellites, real balloons and sending their own experiments into space.  In case you're wondering why you've never heard of NSE, it's because it is located in Upland, Indiana.  However, their reach extends much farther.  For example, tomorrow my son will be teaching a group of students in India, via Zoom.  I'm very pleased for my son.  This is a great place for him to be working. 

On a lighter note, my west coast brother informed me that today is "Lost Sock Memorial Day." He then went on to say "It has been reported that lost socks are reincarnated as plastic lids that don't fit any container."  I've always wondered where they disappeared to.  

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