Thursday, May 23, 2024

a penny your thoughts.... for

 Today is "Lucky Penny Day" and "National Taffy Day."  Thanks again to my west coast brother for that information.  When I read this my thoughts immediately went to penny candy.  For those of you who are too young to remember, there actually was such a thing and I indulged.  When I was in first and second grade my family lived in New Haven (Indiana not Connecticut) and, wonder of wonders, there was a little candy store at the end of our street.  It was a tiny little building and I have a hazy memory of a nice lady behind the counter.  What I do remember clearly though was the candy.  There was an amazing assortment of candy available for a penny a piece.  About once a week my brother and I and two neighbor girls would be allowed to go to the candy store, armed with a nickel each, to buy some candy.  My very favorite were sugar coated cinnamon balls.  I loved the taste and the way the sugar melted in my mouth.  I also really liked bubble gum; I had just learned to blow bubbles. Also Tootsie Rolls, Necco Wafers, mints, taffy and so much more.  I could go on and on but suddenly I'm craving a sweet bite.  I'm sure I'll find something in the pantry but it won't be as good as a cinnamon ball.

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