Wednesday, May 15, 2024

eating my way through the day...

 Due to a combination of circumstances I ended up eating a lot today.  Mind you, no one was forcing me.  This is the third day this week that I've had lunch scheduled with a friend.  So I am not wanting for food. Today's lunch was at "Spice and Herb," my favorite Thai restaurant.  I had Pad Thai, which I love, and an egg roll and Thai iced tea, which is amazing.  All very good and extremely filling, even though I brought half of it home.  Then, at 2:00pm my husband and I met some out of town friends at "Hall's Gas House," so they could have lunch before they headed home.  I didn't eat another whole dinner (I do have some self control) but decided I could have some dessert.  The Creme Brulee was delicious, and also rather filling.  I thought that might be it for the day, but about 6:00pm my husband's son texted him and asked if we would like to join them for dinner at "Dos Margarita's," one of our very favorite Mexican restaurants.  Of course we said yes.  So, from Thai to French to Mexican, I have had a day full of delicious (and very filling) multicultural food and great fun conversations.  Now I must waddle off to bed to sleep it off.  Good night.

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