Monday, May 6, 2024


 First an apology to my faithful readers.  While it did seem like a really long time ago, Expo 74 was held in 1974, not 1074.  But on to other things.  My youngest granddaughter (the one who likes my "vintage" clothes) is home from college for the summer.  We all went out to dinner this evening to celebrate her homecoming and her 20th birthday, which was two days ago.  We ate at Red Robin where I hadn't been for some time.  The food was just as good as I remember which is very good indeed.  We shared an onion ring appetizer and I had a bacon cheese burger and lots of sweet potato fries, yummmm.  Coincidentally my west coast brother had informed me earlier today that this is "International No Diet Day."  Boy, did I celebrate that. So please understand that I am too full and sleepy to write more.  Good night.

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