Sunday, May 19, 2024

where are my cards???

 According to my west coast brother today is "Stepmother's Day" and I haven't received a single card.  I suspect this day is not as widely celebrated as Mothers Day or Fathers Day.  I'd also be surprised to see Happy Stepmother's Day cards at my local Hallmark store, although they do seem to have cards for every other possible occasion.  This whole being a stepmother thing is still new to me.  My Wonder Spouse has two equally wonderful sons who are now my stepsons, but I'm not sure where it goes from there.  Each son is married so do I have two step daughters in law or just daughters in law because they are my husband's daughters in law?  By the way, they are also wonderful, as are my six step grandchildren.  So what should they all call me.  The name Stepmother has a bad rap. Because of famous stories like "Cinderella" and "Hansel and Gretel" it's usually associated with Wicked.  So I don't really fancy being called Stepmother or Stepmom.  Certainly not Step-mommy.  I had thought of telling my step grandchildren to call me 'Step Grandmother Dearest' but that seems a bit over the top.  At this point they all call me Luci and that is just fine with me.  

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