Monday, July 8, 2024

cool down...

 According to my west coast brother it's going to be 100 degrees for the next three days in his city.  Consequently, he plans to celebrate the following special events which he discovered today.  It is 'National Blueberry Day,' 'National Freezer Pop Day,' and 'National Ice Cream Sundae Day.' I suggested that, whichever frozen delight he selects, it should be eaten indoors, in air conditioning but he's the outdoors type so he may let those freezer pops drip in the grass as he swings in his hammock.  However, I have a better plan.  I happen to have some blueberries in my freezer.  My secret recipe for frozen blueberries is 1. buy a container of fresh blueberries at the grocery store 2. bring them home and pop them in the freezer.  That's it. Later you can take them out, a few at a time, and eat them like tiny delicious freezer pops.  Or, if you really want to get fancy, sprinkle them on top of vanilla ice cream and presto a blueberry sundae.  Happy cooling off everyone.  

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