Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What's to eat?

 My west coast brother has informed me that today is "National Shredded Wheat Day," "Avocado Day," "National Spam Day," "National Raspberry Cake Day," "Cotton Candy Day" and "Jump for Jelly Beans Day." If that doesn't give you food for thought I don't know what ever would.  I was a little disappointed to learn that it wasn't also "National (or maybe International) Dark Chocolate Fudge Day."  It certainly should have been. I'm happy to report that the fudge my spouse made yesterday did firm up and was very well received by his cousins when we visited with them at Marble Lake today.  In fact, it was so well received that not a speck of it was left for us to bring home.  But that was ok.  It was a fair exchange for the excellent lunch they served us which included hamburgers, corn on the cob, potato salad, baked beans, chips and dip, and shrimp with cocktail sauce.  Sadly, neither my husband or I can eat shrimp but it looked delicious.  Nothing on the special days list was included but that's alright.  Cake, cotton candy and jelly beans would have been just too much with the fudge and the Cookie Cottage cookies which were also on the menu today.  There's one thing from today's list that  we do have to look forward to though.  As we were discussing the route we will be taking on our trip west in September with one of our sons, he said that since we will be going through Austin, Minnesota, we must stop and see the Spam Museum.  Who knew there is a Spam Museum? I have always liked Spam but I haven't  had it for some time.  Maybe we'll have Spam sandwiches for lunch while we're there.  If all of this talk about food is making you hungry, go make yourself a snack.  It's the reasonable thing to do.  

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