Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Oh, fudge!

 Among his many other talents, my wonder spouse is an amazing fudge maker.  He uses powdered dark Hershey's chocolate and an old family recipe handed down from his mother.  I do not help make the fudge but I do assist where I can.  For instance, today I held the pan  up off the stove burner so he could clean the bottom of it because the chocolate goo that would eventually become fudge had boiled over and messed up quite a bit of the stove top.  Of course I do more than just occasional emergency pan holding.  I am right there when he needs me to help 'clean' the pot and spoons and beaters.  It's a tough job but I'm happy to help. Sadly, not every batch of fudge comes out exactly right.  Today's batch, for example, while tasting absolutely delicious, has been very slow to harden.  We've had to keep taste testing pieces to see if they have firmed up enough.  We obviously must eat what we test because it isn't nice to pick up a piece of fudge to feel it, and then put it back on the plate. That just isn't very hygienic and nobody wants a piece of fudge with somebody's fingerprints on it. Happily, this batch of fudge will be going with us to a gathering of my husband's cousins where the rule is "no fudge, no entry."  I guarantee you that, soft or not, this fudge will be enjoyed down to the last crumbs.  I will do my part to set a good example.

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