Friday, July 19, 2024

there aught to be a law...

Last night my ever patient spouse and I went to see a musical adaptation of the movie "Legally Blonde."  Many of you may remember the movie as fondly as I do.  It's a classic and I love it so I assumed that the musical production would be just as good, or at least almost as good.  The show was performed at North Side High School, my husband's alma mater, which gave us an added incentive to go.  It's a very impressive high school auditorium. Sadly, the musical variation did not begin to live up to the original.  This was not the actors' fault, at least not entirely.  The cast and chorus consisted of sixty plus students from 20 local high schools and I give them credit for high energy and some good dance moves.  Also good costuming.  Sadly, the music was incredibly loud and screechy and so was the singing.  Very high pitched. The decibel level made it very hard to understand what was being said or sung.  Perhaps my spouse and I have reached old fogey-ness but we couldn't take it and left at intermission.  This evening, to help my husband understand why I like the movie so much, I asked him to watch it with me.  He really liked it, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it again.  Maybe we'll watch the sequel one of these nights.  

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