Thursday, July 11, 2024

Ok, I'm officially tired of blueberries. Not to eat, just to write about.  It turns out that today is "National Blueberry Muffin Day" and while blueberry muffins are delicious, especially warm with butter, that has really exhausted my interest in writing about blueberries.  So instead I'll turn to current events.  Tomorrow is the first day of the Three Rivers Festival, Fort Wayne's biggest and, I think. longest running festival.  The first one I attended was in 1969.  I know this because it was the first anniversary of my first marriage and the first Three Rivers Festival.  That's a lot of firsts.  Since then I have attended at least a small part of each successive festival except for the four years when we didn't live in Fort Wayne.  This year my current spouse and I will probably attend at least once.  We need to go to Junk Food Alley (which is in a new location this year) to get Elephant Ears, those wonderful huge cinnamon sugar coated pastries.  It would be good if we just split one, but we probably won't.  You knew I'd bring this blog back around to food, didn't you?  Enjoy the festival!


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