Saturday, July 6, 2024

Play ball!!!!

 It was a perfect night for a ball game.  Not too hot, not too humid, but no need for a jacket.  My spouse and I went with two friends and one brother to a Tin Caps game this evening and it did not disappoint.  True the Tin Caps lost but they came back from a 0-6 score in the 6th inning to score 4 runs in one inning and end up with a final score of   5-7. During the 7yh inning stretch we all stood up and sang "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" with gusto. Of course we all wish they had won but it was a very exciting game.  My spouse's brother had never been to a Tin Caps game and he thoroughly enjoyed it.  After the game was over we had a glorious fireworks display.  From the excellent solo of the "Star Spangled Banner" to the last flicker of fireworks, it was a very satisfying evening.  And yes, the mint chocolate chip ice cream added to the festivities.

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