Monday, July 15, 2024

Oh, Canada

 Today is "National Respect Canada Day." This is according to my west coast brother who lives closer to Canada than I do.  I always have respected Canada.  Some of my friends respect Canada so much that they claim they will move there if the coming election doesn't go their way.  I don't plan to do anything so drastic, but I do have some interesting memories of Canada. For instance, their parks and campgrounds are beautiful.  When my first husband and I went camping in Canada early in our married life, in our little green puptent, a gentleman at the next camp site brought me a paper cup of vodka to pass the time as I "occupied" our campsite while my husband went off to pay the registration fee.  On a later trip with our toddler son and miniature dachshund (we had graduated to a VW bus camper conversion by then) we lost our way in Quebec Province and ended up in a small town that looked like it was straight out of the old west with a general store and board sidewalks. Except everyone there spoke French.  I remembered just enough of my high school French to purchase a carton of milk, then ask for directions back to the highway we had wandered away from.  The group of old men sitting on the porch of the general store conferred briefly, then their spokesman answered with a shrug "It's not around here."  

To be continued. Learn how we got back across the border.

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