Tuesday, July 23, 2024

eye see...

 First of all, today is "Gorgeous Grandma Day." So congratulations to all of you gorgeous grandmas out there.  You know who you are.  The really great thing about being a grandma is that, especially when they are young, all of your grandchildren think you're gorgeous.  My youngest granddaughter once told me that it was ok that I have so many wrinkles because they are all smile wrinkles.  

On another  subject, I had an appointment with my ophthalmologist today.  Just a routine pressure check.  Having had glaucoma surgery and cataract surgery over the years, it's important that I have regular checkups.  I hadn't seen this doctor for several months and I noticed first thing that she was pregnant.  She looked about seven month along.  I asked her when the baby was due and she said "Thursday." She seemed awfully calm about it.  I realized right away that she was a common sense kind of doctor and that proved to be true during our consultation.  She asked me how I was doing and I told her that when I read or do craft work for an hour or more my eyes get very blurry. I was concerned that my cloudy vision might be a sign of some problem.  She assured me that my eyes are perfectly clear, and here's where the common sense part came in.  She didn't recommend eye drops or other medication.  She simply told me that during the day we ordinarily blink every few seconds, but when reading or doing close work we only blink once or twice a minute.  Her 'prescription' was to take a break every few minutes, focus on something distant and blink a lot.  I can do that.   

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