Saturday, July 13, 2024

some of my favorite people...

 According to my west coast brother today is "Embrace Your Geekiness Day" so that is what I have decided to do.  A geek by definition is "A person who is knowledgeable about and obsessively interested in a particular subject, especially one that is technical or of specialist or niche interest." according to "Oxford Languages" and Google.  If that definition is true, my first husband was a computer geek, my son is a space geek, and my current spouse is an electronics geek.  Which is reasonable since he is an electrical engineer.  I realized though, as I read this definition, that I am also a geek as are several of my friends.  But our geekiness is more of the 'niche interest' variety.  We are fiber geeks.  You can judge our geekiness by the quantities of yarn, fabric and related tools that fill our homes.  We generally try to contain these things to one room, but there is frequently spillage.  My particular fiber related geekiness involves weaving which requires lots of yarn in a wide variety of colors.  Joann's is my favorite store, which is convenient because it's located near Best Buy, my spouse's favorite store.  It works well when we want to shop at the same time but never in the same store.  

Here's a piece I'm working on right now,

and this is one I recently finished.  Don't you just love the geeks in your life?

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