Thursday, July 25, 2024

Eat up....

 Are you hungry?  According to my west coast brother, who knows about food, today is "National Chili Dog Day," "National Hot Fudge Sundae Day" and "National Wine and Cheese Day." I don't know about you but any one of those gets my mouth watering and my mind wandering to a favorite restaurant.  For instance, the best chili dogs in Fort Wayne are at Coney Island on Main Street, while the best hot fudge sundaes are probably at Culvers although they may be tied with Zesto's.  Personally I like my hot fudge sundae with chocolate and caramel sauces.  As far as wine and cheese are concerned, that's a tough one.  We ate at Hideout 125 last evening and they had my favorite wine, Moscato.  But then so does every other good restaurant in town, so take your pick.  Fort Wayne is blessed with good restaurants.  I know, I know, Moscato is a sweet, dessert wine, not at all sophisticated, but it's what I like.  And yes it's good with cheese. But finally, and perhaps most importantly, today is "National Culinarians Day."  As you may have guessed, a culinarian is a person highly skilled in cookery.  Yes, cookery is also a real word.  As you probably have gathered by all my references to restaurants above, I don't dabble in cookery much, but, lucky for me, my Wonder Spouse is an experienced culinarian.  He excels in all forms of cookery, but one of his finest creations is excellent dark chocolate fudge. As a side benefit, if he happens to make a batch that doesn't set up (it can happen to anyone) it makes delicious hot fudge sundaes.  I think he might be making some next week. Yummmm...


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