Sunday, July 21, 2024

our just desserts...

According to my west coast brother today is National Lamington Day, National Ice Cream Day and also National Junk Food Day.  In case you're wondering what a lamington is, it has nothing to do with lambs.  Probably named after Lord Lamington, it is the national cake of Australia, made with chocolate and coconut.  It sounds delicious to me.  Sadly, I'm not in Australia today and no one I know locally was serving lamington cake.  Happily my spouse and I were able to celebrate the day with some junk food.  Well, not exactly junk food (we didn't buy it at Junk Food Alley) but certainly not health food.  Chocolate, of course, is a health food and a basic food group but we didn't have chocolate. He had a coupon for a Nothing Bundt Cake little individual Bundt cake because it's his birthday month.  Naturally I went with him to help him select a flavor and, just as naturally, we decided that I needed a delicious little cake of my own.  He chose lemon and I chose snickerdoodle.  If I had done my Lamington research earlier I might have looked for a chocolate coconut one.  Ah well, maybe next year.  We split each of the cakes, sharing one for an afternoon snack and one for supper dessert.  Delicious!!  What an excellent day.  Perhaps we'll skip tomorrow's weigh in.

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