Thursday, August 8, 2024


 According to my west coast brother, today is "Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day."  It's also "International Cat Day." that one doesn't surprise me.  Every cat I've ever known seemed to assume that they were internationally famous and wildly important in any language on any given day.  It may have something to do with living nine lives.  Perhaps each life is in a different country?  But enough about cats and back to Zucchinis.  I have never had zucchinis left on my porch, although I haven't checked yet this evening.  I have however had amazingly generous co-workers share copious amounts of the abundantly profligate vegetable with me, and anyone else who came within easy reach.  There was a certain time of year, right now actually, when it was wise to just stay in your office with the door shut if you didn't want to be heading home after work with a bag full of zucchinis.  I did however have one wonderful neighbor who would present me with a loaf, sometimes two, of delicious zucchini bread.  Now that's the way to be neighborly.  

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