Sunday, August 4, 2024

no kidding

 Today, again according to my west coast brother, is "American Family Day" and "Hooray for Kids Day."  Since he raises goats, I'm not sure which kind of kids he's referring to, but, for the sake of this blog, I'll assume we're talking about people here.  My spouse and I have fairly average American families - two children each, but, because of those kids we are celebrating, the families, now combined, have grown and grown and grown.  Between us we have four children, four children-in-law, ten grandchildren (ranging in age from 7 to 24), two significant others of grandchildren, two siblings, one sibling-in-law, three close cousins, multiple second and third cousins, three nieces, three nephews, four great-nephews, two great-nieces, one niece-in-law,  and three nephews-in-law.  I think that's a pretty amazing American family.  Of course I'm a little prejudiced, but I think they are all extremely good looking and brilliant.  They obviously take after us.  Since today is also "National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day" I shall indulge in one with milk to celebrate my wonderful family. 

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