Saturday, August 24, 2024

It is what it is.

 Earlier today my west coast brother told me that today is "National Knife Day" and "Can Opener Day."  Then he asked me two questions. "Are knives and can openers appliances or utensils?"  "Does that change if there is an electric motor involved?" So I've been thinking about this.  As I have mentioned a few times, I am easily entertained. First what makes an appliance an appliance?  Does it have to have an electric motor?  I'm sure our stove is an appliance but it's a gas stove.  Not too much electricity involved.  The dishwasher and refrigerator are definitely appliances.  So are the washer and dryer, even though they don't live in the kitchen.  Google's definition of an appliance is a machine which assists in household functions such as cooking, cleaning and food preservation.  Utensils, in my opinion, are items like knives, forks and spoons, soup ladles, serving spoons, bread knives, wooden spoons, whisks, etc.  In other words, hand held items.  But that brings us back to the original questions about items like electric knives, mixers, and can openers.  To me they seem too big to be utensils but too small to be appliances.  Perhaps we should have another name for them like, for instance, 'tools.'  Power saws, drills and nail guns are called tools, why not hand-held electric mixers, electric knives, and yes, even can openers.  Now that I've planted all of this in your mind, have fun thinking about what you're using the next time you're preparing a meal.  

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