Sunday, August 18, 2024


 Today is "Serendipity Day," and also "National Ice Cream Pie Day" which would be a nice unexpected surprise.  A serendipity according to google is 'good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries.' I had always heard it defined as an 'unexpected pleasure' which is a simpler way of saying the same thing.  My mother always said that my west coast brother was a serendipity because he was born when she was 45.  He was ten years younger than me and eight years younger than our other brother.  Very unexpected indeed.  But today we enjoyed some other serendipitous  experiences.  My husband and I helped to serve supper at the rescue mission this evening and enjoyed getting to know the other couple who had also volunteered for this Sunday. That was the first joy.  The second joy was how well run and efficient everything was.  Third, we were able to serve at least a hundred people, who all were very appreciative.  Earlier in the day we had planned that, after the serving was done, we would go to Coney Island for a fast casual supper because we really weren't very dressed up.  Since we enjoyed getting to know the other servers a little bit while we worked, we invited them to meet us at Coney Island, where we had a very casual but extremely good time getting to know each other.  So serendipities all around.  Then, when we got home I had a phone call from a friend with whom I hadn't spoken for several months.  We seldom see each other because we live at some distance from each other, but it's always a pleasure to catch up by phone.  So pleasures on pleasures on pleasures.  What a fun way to celebrate "Serendipity Day."

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