Monday, August 26, 2024

the longest day

 I get a little perplexed when I hear weather persons make comments like "Today is the longest day of the year." or "The days are getting shorter now."  No they aren't.  Days are always 24 hours long (give or take a few minutes here or there over several years).  I was pleased to hear one weather person say it correctly recently.  She said "We are starting to see fewer hours of daylight." But I was reminded today of another kind of longest day.  My west coast nephew returned this morning from a trip to Iceland and told his parents he planned to sleep 'til Wednesday.  I really understand that feeling.  Generally, when I have flown to any destination in Europe, it's an overnight flight.  I can sleep through most of it and arrive ready to spend the entire first day sight seeing.  But coming home (flying west) is a whole different matter. Typically we leave some European city, Rome most recently, in the wee hours of the morning, fly across the Atlantic, land and go through customs somewhere, Atlanta perhaps, make one or two connecting flights, and arrive home about midnight.  I always end up feeling like I've been awake for 24 hours.  So sleep on, young nephew.  I totally understand.

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