Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Lights on!

 Today a small group from my church were invited to tour Electric Works.  I had never been there before and was particularly excited to see what had become of the old General Electric campus which was and is a huge spread of buildings.  At one time GE was one of the major employers in Fort Wayne.  Everyone of a certain age knows someone who worked there.  In my case it was an uncle, a girlfriend and my mother-in-law.  Today we were treated to a tour of parts of two buildings and then had lunch in the food court in one of the buildings.  Knowing that these buildings had stood empty for many years after GE closed, and having seen some of the before pictures on TV, I am in awe at what has been done with the buildings.

Both of these pictures were taken from the beautiful rooftop entertainment area on one of the buildings.  Here's a back view of the Best Buy sign that lights up at night, replacing the iconic GE sign that General Electric will not allow to be displayed.  Best Buy is the major investor in the project but several other companies have offices there also.  Employees can lunch in this area on fine days and it can also be rented for events.

Here's a view of downtown Fort Wayne from the rooftop. The building on the right is part of the campus that is yet to be refurbished.  This is quite an amazing and expensive project and I am impressed by everything that has been done so far.

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