Saturday, August 3, 2024

it's taxing...

 First, my west coast brother informed me that today is "Tax Payer Appreciation Day."  Then he suggested some fun ways to celebrate this special day including raising the withholding on your pay check and writing to your Congressperson to tell them that you think they're doing a great job spending our money.  Ha ha ha ha ha! I really do appreciate tax payers since it's one of the largest groups I belong to.  It's a really big club, nationally and internationally.  I visited in Finland once with a tour group.  While in Helsinki, we were told about all the wonderful things their government provided including free education for everyone kindergarten through college and good health insurance.  They also told us that the tax rate was 40%.  Everything comes with a price one way or another.  During the years that I was self employed as a real estate broker, my first husband did our taxes and was scrupulously careful to be sure we completed the forms correctly.  We really didn't want to be audited, and we never were.  One year my husband told me that I should learn to do my taxes myself in case anything ever happened to him.  I told him that if that day ever came, I would gather up all my paperwork and take it to H&R Block, and as it happened, that's exactly what I did.  Still no audits.  My current spouse has told me that his company was audited once.  The outcome of that audit was that the IRS owed them $5 and gave them some good tips on how to save a little in taxes.  I guess those IRS guys aren't all meanies.  

If you really don't want to think about taxes, and who can blame you, it's also "National Watermelon Day." A fun food to eat and fun to play with.  You might organize a seed spitting contest to take your mind off of those inevitable tax bills.  

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