Thursday, August 29, 2024

read carefully...

 Today is "Thoughtful Thursday" and here is something to think about. I have mentioned before that we go to the Amish bakery frequently.  It's actual name is "Taste of Tradition" in case you ever want to Google it, but that's not the point of this blog.  We went there yesterday to buy Apple Bread (it's so good) as a house warming gift for friends we visited today.  One of my other favorite things to buy there is MOLASSAS COOKIES so, in a bit of a rush, I grabbed a package of cookies off the shelf and brought it home. It's impossible to buy just one thing there.  Imagine my surprise when I pulled the package out of the freezer this evening (I keep them there so I don't eat as many) pulled a cookie out of the bag, and realized that it didn't look anything like a molasses cookie.  Then I looked at the label and saw that what I had bought were MONSTER COOKIES.  Both labels started with MO.  If you happen to like cookies containing peanut butter, oatmeal, chocolate chips, and m&ms, then you will really like these.  Since I do happen to like everything in these cookies and they are very tasty I will eat them.  I mean it would be a shame to waste them, right?  In case you're wondering, my spouse can't help me with this chore because he is allergic to peanut butter.  The next time I go to the bakery I will get my molasses cookies, because they are still my absolute favorite.  And the moral of this story is always read the label.  

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