Wednesday, August 21, 2024

the good life...

Today is "National Senior Citizens Day."  My west coast brother, who is a senior citizen himself, informed me of this.  There are some things I really like about being a senior citizen, especially being retired. Although I have hobbies and am involved in some committees, it's nice to have those frequent days, or half days when I can just relax and read a good book.  It's also really nice to be married again and to share senior citizenship with someone.  But there are some things about being a senior citizen that aren't so pleasant.  For instance, when someone says "Wow, you sure don't look 79" I can't help wondering if they think I look younger or older?  and I haven't been carded when I order wine with dinner for a very long time.  Of course they have to card me at the grocery store, which makes it worth buying wine while I'm there.  Other memorable things come with being a senior citizen.  I and many of my similarly aged friends have had cataract surgery.  When i had my surgery, I finally saw what all the fuss was about concerning high definition TV.  I must say that I was a little shocked that some of my favorite news casters had wrinkles that I had never seen before.  Then I discovered that I also evidently live in a house full of high definition mirrors.  Ah well.  I can still enjoy dinner in a dimly lit restaurant from time to time.  As long as I use the light on my phone to read the menu.  Enjoy the day and say yes whenever you're offered a senior discount.  

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