Wednesday, August 14, 2024

shaping up...

 My wonder spouse (sometimes I wonder about him) has decided that, since we will be doing a fair amount of walking and hiking on our upcoming trip, we should add a one-mile walk through the neighborhood to our daily routine.  We already do a regular twenty-five minutes of stretching and exercise in the pool each morning, but that's evidently not enough.  Deep down, I agree with him. So for the last couple of mornings we have walked a long loop through our neighborhood, starting at about 8:15am.  Today we walked a mile in 21 minutes which is not bad.  It has actually been very nice.  We've said hello to neighbors walking like us, others walking their dogs or leaving for work, and passed children waiting for the school bus.  Yes, it its that time of year again.  I do enjoy walking in the cool of the morning.  My mother used to have us up weeding the garden "in the cool of the morning."  Walking is more fun.  So I will keep walking until we leave for our trip in three weeks, and probably for a while when we return.  But I must tell you right now, I am a fair weather walker.  I will not be out walking in freezing cold and blowing snow.  If my husband wants to keep walking, I'll use the treadmill in the basement.  

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