Friday, August 9, 2024

read on....

 Today, according to my west coast brother, is "Book Lovers Day" and there is no one who loves a good book more than I do.  Lately I've been enjoying 'checking out' books from the library using Libby and reading them on my tablet.  This afternoon I spent more time than I should have reading my current book, but I was celebrating the day.  One thing that made the afternoon even more pleasurable than usual was that this morning I was able to get the frames of my new glasses adjusted slightly so they sit much more comfortably on my ears.  You who are glasses wearers will understand.  And here I want to say kudos to JC Penney.  My spouse and I had some errands to run this morning including getting my glasses adjusted, picking up more maps for our trip and returning a catalog order to Penney's.  Sadly, after driving out to Dupont Road, we discovered that my optometrist's office was closed (they evidently close over the noon hour) so we headed south to Glenbrook so I could return the slacks that didn't fit.  The lady at the returns counter was very nice, no problems with the return.  She even gave me a tip.  Order two different sizes, keep the one that fits and return the other.  As I was walking out I realized that I was right beside the glasses department (Penney's does sell everything).  I walked in and asked the very nice clerk, who wasn't busy at the time, if she could make the adjustment I needed, even though I hadn't bought the glasses there.  No questions asked (except where had I gotten my frames, which she liked) she made the necessary adjustment in less that five minutes.  Thank you JC Penny.  

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