Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Amazing job, amazing woman...

 My west coast brother and his spouse's oldest daughter (and one of my dearest nieces) is a aeromedical pediatric  respiratory therapist. Her work environment is not a hospital. Instead, she spends her time traveling with infants in distress as they are taken from whatever place they are, it could be their home or a smaller hospital, to a hospital where they can receive necessary care and keeping them alive and comfortable along the way.  Ambulances are used for local runs.  When they make their longest trips they fly in a plane. From the base here in Spokane they have flown as far as Boston and Alaska. For shorter flights they use helicopters. This is actually better according to my niece, because they can land right at the hospital and don't need additional ground transport.  Today she gave us an excellent tour of their base, a hanger at an airport, which gives them space for all their equipment and sleeping, eating, etc. during their 24 hour shifts. I am in awe of what they do. 

This is a "baby box" in which the infant is transported. 

One of their newest helicopters. The pilot, Skylar, (great name for a pilot) gave us lots of great information. For example, the wooden pad this helicopter is sitting on is exactly what they land on at hospitals and airports. 

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