Sunday, September 15, 2024

Engineers together

 My west coast brother is the Senior Broadcast Engineer at a local TV station. Today he took us on a grand tour. First he took us high up on a mountain to see the tower, then to the TV station. We saw an incredible number of pieces of equipment, and learned how several of them are used. I asked my brother about his job and he told me his title, See above.  When I pressed him about what he actually does he said he mostly answers questions and fixes things when no one else can. Much of what he explained to us sailed right over my head but my wonder spouse, who is an Electrical Engineer, knew all the right questions to ask and was fascinated by the whole process. 

Engineers bonding over wires and switches.

The walkway to go out to the base of the tower.
The transmission tower. We did not climb to the top.

A view from the top of the tower mountain.

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