Friday, September 6, 2024


Today was day 1 of our long awaited driving trip heading west to visit my west coast brother. We left at noon and arrived in Oshkosh, Wisconsin about five thirty.  Why, you may ask, if we're heading west, did we start the trip by heading pretty much straight north? It wasn't, as you might expect, to visit a factory that makes adorable little kid's overalls. Tomorrow we are going to visit the other thing Oshkosh is famous for, the EAA Aviation Museum which features more than 200 historic airplanes.  In the meantime we had a delicious supper in, of all places, a Culver's.  We are in Wisconsin after all.  

This is a practice picture I took after all our stuff was loaded in the car. Actually there's more on the back seat. We will be traveling for three weeks after all. I hope to have a real trip picture for tomorrow's blog. 

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