Thursday, September 5, 2024

something new...

 Today I enjoyed a fun new experience.  Have you seen the TV commercials where there is a voice talking about a product or service while the visual image shows happy people obviously having a great time enjoying whatever is being advertised?  Well, today I got to be one of those happy people.  It was a commercial for a senior residential community.  I was paired with a nice man whom I had never met before and we acted out scenes of him bringing me a cup of coffee, and the two of us sitting in the patio area enjoying ice tea with another couple.  For this they used a couple of residents who happened to be on the patio and who thought it was fun to be part of the commercial.  Later, my 'spouse' and I took a stroll along a shady sidewalk, and had fun greeting and playing with our two year old 'grandson' (the son of one of the film company employees).  Thankfully my 'spouse' did all the heavy lifting of the toddler.  I also got my hair 'done.' The most fun part of this entire exercise was that I didn't have to memorize any lines.  We just got directions like - act grateful for the coffee, laugh like one of you just told a great joke, act loving as you stroll along the walk together.  It didn't matter at all what we actually said to each other and we had a fine time adlibbing silliness.  There was also a lot of interesting activity to watch.  Before each scene could be filmed, which generally took about ten minutes of retakes until they got the picture they wanted, about 45 minutes were spent by the very efficient crew setting up lights and diffusers and other stuff I don't know the name of and a great variety of cameras and miles of electrical cords running around, and of course the props like coffee mugs and ice tea glasses.  It was really fun.  The techs did all the hard work while we, referred to as the 'talent,' sat on the sidelines and waited to be called to our places.  We were even served a very nice lunch, and yes, I am getting paid for this job.  Easy and nice as this all was, I must admit that by the end of the day I was tired.  I guess there's a reason why they thought I looked old enough to be living in a retirement home.  I don't know yet when the ad will be aired or on what stations, but I do hope I get to see it at least once.  Although, if it's really cringe-worthy, once may be enough.

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