Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Cold and old...

 Today we spent all day touring Yellowstone. It was like visiting an old friend. Glorious scenery, bubbling mud pots, hot pools, volcanic table land, some wildlife, and of course Old Faithful. Old Faithful is slowing down a bit these days, but aren't we all? I seem to remember from years past that Old Faithful erupted about once an hour. Now it's about once every 90 minutes. But we waited patiently and were rewarded with a good show. The only drawback to the day was the weather,  50 degrees, cloudy and rainy. I'm really glad I packed my rain jacket for this trip. Happily, the sun finally came out in time for the Big Show. 

Old Faithful of course. I took these pictures with my tablet and am pleased with the results.
This is one of my favorite bubbling hot pools. Love the color.
Blooping mud in one of many mud pots. Sorry I didn't record the sound but you can imagine it. Bloop, bloop, bloop. Yellowstone has more hot springs and geysers than anywhere else on earth. 

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