Monday, September 9, 2024


 Today, my west coast brother has informed me is "I Love Food Day."  My wonder spouse and I have decided that we certainly do, with ridiculously large dinners for the last couple of evenings. But it's OK because vacation calories don't count, right? I certainly hope not because tonight we finished off our dinner by sharing a piece of caramel cheese cake encased in almonds and covered with chocolate, whipped cream and caramelized bacon bits. If that doesn't shout vacation I don't know what does. In case you're concerned we did actually do more than eat today. We left the historic little town of Murdo, SD about 9:30am and took a wonderful drive through the Bad Lands.  About noon, we stopped for a while at Wall Drug Store. Hard not to stop after seeing signs for Wall Drug Store every few miles since Minnesota.  We spent the afternoon visiting the Crazy Horse monument and museum.  There has definitely been progress made since the last time I was there which has been several years ago. 

A view in the Bad Lands.  As we were on our way out we spotted these grazing Buffalo. 

They haven't started on the horse's head yet but Crazy Horse's head looks wonderful and the outstretched hand is shaping up. There is a long history here of cooperation between the sculptor and several Indian tribes. It's a fascinating place to visit.

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