Tuesday, September 10, 2024

So many curves...

 Today was a long driving day with quite a bit of off interstate driving on scenic routes across the beautiful state of Wyoming. Many, many curving roads and stunning vistas. The highlight of the day came in the afternoon when we went high up Medicine Mountain to visit the Big Horn Medicine Wheel Nation Historic Landmark. It is at 9642 ft elevation near the crest of the Big Horn mountains with amazing views in all directions. Happily for my wonder spouse and myself, we did not have to walk the long uphill mile and a half to get to the wheel. It turns out that people over 65 can drive up to the site. Which sounds great, and we did it, but most of the drive was on a one lane dirt road with a sharp drop off on one side and no guard rails. It was an interesting experience.  The wheel itself is a large circle of white stones laid out like a wheel with lines of white stones leading like spokes to a large cairn of stones in the center.  According to the information provided the wheel in it's current state is about 250 years old but it is on a site that has been holy to several tribes for generations. It is also currently being used for traditional ceremonies. We we not fortunate enough to see one today. 

First a funny note. These tractors and several others were parked in front of the hotel where we stayed last night. It turns out that they were a group of people traveling by tractors to various sights. We saw them pull out this morning on their was to Mount Rushmore.

Here's a view of the Medicine Wheel. I couldn't get a long shot of the whole thing.

One of many views from our scenic drive. 

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