Wednesday, April 1, 2020

considerng my options

Over the last few weeks I've learned to use Zoom to attend meetings and I've used email, texting and even the good old land line telephone much more than usual. So I consider myself fairly competent in these areas.  While in a Zoom conversation earlier today several people mentioned ordering their groceries on line and then driving over and picking them up.  This seems like a good option to me, easier than getting a delivery to my apartment.  So I went on line to try to place an order and quickly became frustrated.  Option 1. I will try again tomorrow.  
They mentioned on the evening news that if we do go out we should cover our faces, not with a surgical mask, but with some kind of scarf.  I have a visiion of me strolling into a grocery store wearing a bandana ala cowboys and Indians of my childhood.  One false move (like reaching for my shopping list) and I would probably be arrested. Opton 2. I will try to craft some kind of non-threatening face covering so I can do my own grocery shopping.  I saw a demo on tv this evening on how a man had fashioned his face covering out of a feminine maxi-pad.  I'm sorry but I really can't see myself doing that.  
Option 3.  Buy a burka, if I can figure out how to order one on line.  The older I get, the more I think that wearing a burka would be great.  Think about it.  No bad hair days, no need to wear makeup, no need to diet.  Of course, being as tall as I am, there's a very good chance that I would be mistaken for a terrorist in drag. 
Option 4. Since I still have meals for at least six days, continue to sit around considering my options. I wouldn't want to rush into anything. 

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