Thursday, March 5, 2020

Don't believe everything you read.

I will admit I have a fondness for chocolate, especially dark chocolate.  Among the things left behind when my weekend company left were some bite size Dove candies.;  I limit myself to two an evening but they are yummy.  They also have a message printed inside their colorful foil wrappers.  It's usually a kind  message, sometimes with a moral, like "Be the sculptor of your dreams."  Very nice, but the one I read this evening said "Hands are meant to be held."  What?  How old are these candies, or the wrappers?  Obviously they were produced and packaged before the Coronavirus became such a daily discussion item.  I would like to suggest some new, more appropriate messages.  How about "Face masks are scary but they show you care."  or "Show your love, bump elbows."  Maybe "Hands are made for waving from across the room."  You get the idea.  I welcome your suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. "They" tell you to "Bump Elbows" to minimize spreading germs. "They" also tell you to cough or sneeze into your elbow to minimize spreading germs. Maybe "They" aren't as smart as "They" would have us believe.
