Saturday, June 19, 2021

a day to celebrate

 Today, Juneteenth, has just become a federal holiday, and coincidentally, it's my oldest grandchild's 20th birthday, so from now on he'll be able to celebrate his birthday on a national holiday.  I don't know if that means he will get the day off from work but who knows?  And if that's not enough to celebrate, it's also World Juggling Day, World Sauntering Day and National Eat an Oreo Day.  I can't juggle but my grandson can. It's that coordination thing again.  I don't have it.  My only A in a phys ed class was archery, and that was because I didn't have to move my hands and feet at the same time.  Learning to drive a standard transmission car was a real challenge.  But I can saunter and eat Oreos at the same time.  It's a little bit like walking and chewing gum at the same time but with a cookie.  My husband and I could never agree about how to eat an Oreo.  I like to twist mine open and eat the frosting out of the middle first, while he insisted that that was all wrong.  A person must just eat the whole sandwich cookie in a few bites.  Now I ask you, where's the fun in that?  

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