Tuesday, June 1, 2021

fun times

 America's Got Talent, one of my TV favorite shows, is back and I am pleased but also humbled.  I love to watch the variety of acts, some really good, some really awful, but all entertaining in their own ways.  But at the same time, I find myself measuring my abilities against theirs.  Dog trainer? No.  Stand-up comedian? No.  I actually did a comedy routine once and got laughs but that used up all my comic material from my only source, my grandchildren.  Sing in a choir? No.  I can, however stand in a choir and move my lips.  Swing from a trapeze? No.  Dance weirdly? No.  Play the piano? No.  I can't even crack walnuts with my butt cheek (although I admit I've never tried that one).  I guess I'll just have to stick to my one great talent, being an audience.  

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